sex dimorphism - translation to Αγγλικά
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sex dimorphism - translation to Αγγλικά

Gender dimorphism; Sex dimorphism; Sexual dimorphisms; Sexual size dimorphism index; Sexually dimorphic; Sexual dichromatism; Sexual dichromism; Sexual size dimorphism; Brain gender; Sexually monomorphic; Sexual monomorphic; Sex differences; Male female differences; Dimorphic sexual behavior; Sex difference; Sexually dichromatic; Sexually dichromic; Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Sexually dichromic; Sexual morph; Sexual-size dimorphism; Size dimorphism; Size dimorphic; Sexual dimorph; Sexual dimorphism in mammals; Sex differences in animals; Sexual polymorphism; Sexually dimorph; Evolution of sexual dimorphism; Sexual dimorphism in birds; Sexual dimorphism in fish; Sexual dimorphism in insects; Sexual monomorphism; Sexual dimorphism in plants; Sexual dimorphism in amphibians; Evolutionary origin of sexual dimorphism
  • ''[[Colias dimera]]'' mating. The male is a brighter yellow than the female.
  • Female [[triplewart seadevil]], an anglerfish, with male attached near vent (arrow)
  • The [[eclectus parrot]] is a rare example of a bird where the female (right) is more colorful than the male (left)
  • Male pelvis
  • Female pelvis
  • Hammock Spiders (Pityohyphantes sp.) courting. Female left and male right.
  • Pioneer plaque
  • Female (left) and male (right) ''[[Argiope appensa]]'', displaying typical sexual differences in spiders, with dramatically smaller males
  • Male and female [[northern elephant seal]], the male being larger with a big [[proboscis]]
  • Ceratogymna atrata]]''). The difference between the sexes is apparent in the casque on the top of their bill. This pair is on display at the [[Museum of Osteology]].
  • Female (left) and male (right) [[common pheasant]], showing that the male is much larger and more colorful than the female
  • Mississippi map turtles]] (''Graptemys pseudogeographica kohni'') adult female (left) and adult male (right)
  • Some bird species, such as this [[mute swan]], do not display sexual dimorphism through their plumage, and instead can be distinguished by other physiological or behavioural characteristics. Generally, male Mute swans, or cobs, are taller and larger than females, or pens, and have thicker necks and a more pronounced 'knob' above their bill.
  • ''[[Orgyia antiqua]]'' male (left) and female (right).
  • [[Mandarin duck]]s, male (left) and female (right), illustrating the dramatic difference in plumage between sexes, a manifestation of sexual dimorphism
  • The [[peacock]], on the right, is courting the [[peahen]], on the left.
  • Male (left), offspring, and female (right) [[Sumatran orangutan]]s.

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sexual dimorphism

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половой диморфизм

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совокупность соматических (телесных), психических и социальных процессов, в основе которых лежит и посредством которых удовлетворяется половое влечение.


Sexual dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism is the condition where sexes of the same species exhibit different morphological characteristics, particularly characteristics not directly involved in reproduction. The condition occurs in most animals and some plants. Differences may include secondary sex characteristics, size, weight, color, markings, or behavioral or cognitive traits. Male–male reproductive competition has evolved a diverse array of sexually dimorphic traits. Aggressive utility traits such as “battle” teeth and blunt heads reinforced as battering rams are used as weapons in aggressive interactions between rivals. Passive displays such as ornamental feathering or song-calling have also evolved mainly through sexual selection. These differences may be subtle or exaggerated and may be subjected to sexual selection and natural selection. The opposite of dimorphism is monomorphism, when both biological sexes are phenotypically indistinguishable from each other.

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